How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Hotel Room

How to check for bed bugs in a hotel room

Bed bugs can be an itchy holiday souvenir and very costly if transferred back to your home. Bed bug bites can result in a number of health impacts including skin rashes and other allergic symptoms. Go-Pest advise completing the below simple checks to detect if you have bed bugs in your hotel room and the precautions you can take to avoid wider spread.


Go-pest advise you to inspect every inch of the bed and other furnishings. Bed bugs love to live in seams and tight spaces within mattresses and also under mattresses where they are least likely to be disturbed. Oftentimes bedbugs are also wedged in corners of the room, sleeping during the day. It is very important to thoroughly check the bed, carpet, and other furnishing, not leaving an inch unturned!

A torch is a helpful tool to use when doing this, to make the bed bugs more visible.

Signs of bed bugs include:

  • Bed bug eggs come in the form of white eggs or yellow casings and are very small.
  • Living bed bugs are small (roughly the size of a pinhead) and brown.
  • Dead bed bugs leave a red/brown stain when squished against bedding.
  • Small dark dots may also be a sign of bed bug waste.



Looking at hotel reviews before booking your stay is a great way to dodge bed bugs. Often if bed bugs are present in a hotel, bad reviews highlighting this will be submitted on websites like “trip advisor” and “google reviews.”


If your hotel room has got bed bugs, placing your suitcase on a hard surface away from any furnishing can prevent bedbugs being transferred to your suitcase and to your home.

Need help controlling your bed bug? Contact Go-Pest Environmental Services today for expert bed bug treatments in London and the surrounding counties.